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  • ■ The secretariat is not responsible for any damages arising from linking to this website.
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Privacy Policy

On the “Japan Heritage: The ‘Western Capital’ of Ancient Japan” website, we fully recognize the importance of protecting personal information and have established the following Privacy Policy as part of our earnest effort to protect this personal information, which we will endeavor to make sure all parties involved in the operation of this website understand.

  • Definition of Personal Information

    Personal information refers to information about an individual user, including name, e-mail address, and other information that can be used to identify individual users who have registered and received communications through this website.

  • Collection of Personal Information

    We generally ask users to register personal information on this website of their own volition.

  • Purposes of Using Personal Information

    Personal information on this website is used for the following purposes, and will not be used for any purposes beyond these. However, we may publish statistically processed data or opinions about access to our website, comments and suggestions to the Promotion Council, and relevant personal attributes.

    • (1) To respond to comments and inquiries about services on this website
  • Sharing and Entrusting Personal Information With Third Parties
    • (1) We will not share personal information obtained from users without the user’s consent except when ordered to do so under the law.
    • (2) When sharing personal information obtained from users to a contractor, etc., we will choose a business partner with sufficient standards for protecting personal information as well as stipulate with them our protection standards through a contract, etc., and provide guidance and management to ensure proper handling.
  • Compliance With Laws and Other Regulations Related to Personal Information

    Everyone involved in the operation of this website will comply with laws, guidelines, and other relevant regulations regarding the confidentiality of personal information and communications.

  • About Cookies

    Some pages on this website use a technology known as cookies in order to use the page. Cookies are industry-standard technology used by webservers to identify users’ computers, and are essentially extremely small text files. In general, personal information (user ID and password) and browser history are provided to site administrators, which are used to analyze access and trends and create statistical information.
    While cookies can also identify users’ computers, they cannot be used to identify the individual user unless the user enters or provides detailed personal information themselves.
    This website can be viewed and used anonymously, whether or not cookies are enabled. Please note that you can use browser settings to disable cookies; however, doing so may make some or all of the services on certain pages unavailable, depending on the browser.

  • Revisions to This Policy

    The contents of this Privacy Policy may be revised, and so we ask that you check back regularly.